New Arrivals
01 A
650 Kč

Langstroth hive cover with ventilation, feeding space, and improved handling features.


02 A
800 Kč

Varroa monitoring bottom board for Langstroth hives with durable mesh, advanced ventilation, and options for nucleus colonies.

Code: LN10RDNO
04 A
625 Kč

Langstroth Shallow Hive Box for 10 Frames, Size 1/2 – 137 mm (5 3/8″). Excellent insulation and seamless polyurethane construction.

Code: LN10R1/2
05 A
625 Kč

Langstroth beehive box for 10 frames, frame size 159 mm (6 1/4″). Lightweight, durable polyurethane construction with superior insulation.

Code: LN10R2/3
Nastavek Langstroth 3/4
650 Kč

Langstroth beehive box for 10 frames, frame size 185 mm (7 1/4″). Lightweight, durable polyurethane construction with excellent insulation.

Code: LN10R3/4
07 A
650 Kč

Langstroth beehive box for 10 frames, frame size 232 mm (9 1/8″). Lightweight, durable polyurethane construction with superior insulation.

Code: LN10R1/1
09 A
775 Kč

Langstroth - Jumbo (Dadant) Hive Box for 10 frames (286 mm), crafted from durable polyurethane with excellent insulation and lightweight handling.

Code: LN10RJ
10 A
775 Kč

Lightweight Čechoslovák 37x30 hive box for 13 frames, with superior insulation and a seamless design for durability.

Code: LN10RJ37X30
acoperis2 04
650 Kč

Flugo Hive Cover V2 with ventilation and improved handling, exclusively for Adamcova Míra hives.

Code: AM11RVIKO2
Special Offers
frame 2(1)
7 000 Kč –14 %
5 999 Kč

Oddělek na 5 rámcích s výběrovou matkou F1 a polyuretanovým úlem Flugo pro 11 rámků. Lehký, ekonomický úl s výbornou izolací podporuje vyšší produkci medu.


The Right Hive for the Right Bees – Welcome to Flugo

Flugo Beehives – Lightweight, Durable, and Modern Solutions for Your Apiary

Flugo offers a wide selection of polyurethane beehives designed to meet the needs of modern beekeepers. Our beehives combine long-lasting durability, low weight, and excellent thermal insulation, ensuring protection for your bee colonies throughout the year.

  • Adamcova míra 39x24: Unterstützt Rähmchengrößen 39x15, 39x17, 39x24, 39x27 und 39x30 cm. Geeignet für warme und kalte Betriebsweisen.
  • Langstroth-Bienenstöcke: Modulares Design, kompatibel mit Langstroth-Holzbeuten für 10 Rähmchen. Rähmchengrößen: Medium (2/3), Shallow (1/2), Wadded (3/4), Deep (1/1) und Jumbo (Dadant).
  • Čechoslovák 37x30: Klassisches tschechoslowakisches Design mit Langstroth-kompatiblen Zargen für maximale Flexibilität.
  • Leichte Konstruktion: Einfach zu handhaben und zu transportieren.
  • Top-Wärmedämmung: Schützt die Bienen vor extremen Temperaturen und Witterungseinflüssen.
  • Langlebige Materialien: Hochwertiges Polyurethan garantiert jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz.
  • Vielseitigkeit: Kompatibel mit verschiedenen Rähmchengrößen und Imkereimethoden.

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